
Welcome to A Spoonful of the Universe, a blog about all things food - eating disorders, body image, cooking, mindful eating, nutrition, growing your own food, sustainability, hunger, food waste, zero-waste, food politics, and recipes! This blog is the brainchild of many years of thinking about, studying, working with, and stressing about food. It's centered around mindful eating, which is all about actually eating your FOOD, and not eating your worries, stresses, sadness, annoyances, heartache, or any other type of negative emotions that can bog us down and get caught in our natual appetite and make us eat more or less than we actually want to.
Living in a jungle town - Kalu Yala, which is in the making to be the world's most sustainable modern town in Panama - has taught me about this more than anywhere I've ever spent time in before. Mindful eating is a way to be more present when eating, so that you eat more healthily, more slowly, and be more aware of what you are consuming and how it is affecting your body.
In the crazy world we currently live in, it's hard to do much of anything mindfully, which means it's even more important than usual to eat mindfully. You know that saying, that says "you should sit for twenty mintues a day in meditation, unless you're too busy - then you should sit for an hour"? Same applies for mindful eating. If you're someone who usually multitasks while eating - be it in the car, while doing work, or even while cooking - you need it more. It really is about Loving the Food You Eat, and taking the time to appreciate it fully.
A Spoonful of the Universe - the title of this blog - came from Thich Nath Hanh's book How to Eat. He said that every spoonful of food contains the whole universe, and when you can grasp that and really, truly understand and accept that, mindful eating can really start to unravel in your life.

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