About Me

Hey! My name is Sarah and I'm currently a senior in college at Lawrence University, a Conservatory of Music and liberal arts college in Appleton, Wisconsin. I have a lot of passions, but the two that are most relevant here are environmental health and food. As far as food goes, I'm interested in all of it - cooking it, growing it, not wasting it, creating ways to end hunger in my communities and around the world, understanding the nutrition of it, the politics of it, preserving it in different cultures, helping people create healthy relationships with it, and everything else under the sun. In ninth grade, I started leading a group called Setting the Table, which taught middle schoolers and elementary schoolers about food, farming, and hunger in the Boston area.

In my sophomore year of college, I started leading the Food Recovery Network chapter at my school, to bring leftover food from the dining hall to homeless shelters across the city. I worked in a bar and restaurant while WWOOFing in New Zealand, wrote a guide to reduce food waste on college campuses with the Post Landfill Action Network (PLAN), lived and cooked with my host mother and grandmother for six months in Pune, India, worked on getting healthier food into hospitals and reducing healthcare's climate impact in Brussels, Belgium, and I'm currently working in a jungle kitchen in Tres Brazos Valley, Panama. Being an International Relations major, I was able to get funding for all of these endeavors from my school, which has all added up to an amazing education that felt self-directed and passion-filled most of the steps of the way.

Despite all this knowledge and experience I've accumulated about food, I've had issues with my personal relationship with food my whole life. I've fought (and am still kind of fighting) two different eating disorders, and there is still a lot of stress and anxiety that often accompanies food and eating in my mind. As a woman, I was inscribed with the information to be small and eat very little from a young age, to maintain the type of body we commonly see on magazine covers and on TV and in movies, so as to be most appealing, or whatever. I say fuck that - I want my body to be the size IT wants to be, not the size someone else or even I want it to be.

Even though I've completely reworked my value system to not need to meet someone else's arbitrary standards of beauty, and rather to meet my own, it's STILL hard sometimes. My dream is to help people, particularly womyn and girls, foster healthy relationships with food, in an ultimate journey towards true self-love, self-acceptance, and being head over heels in love with their lives - not on paper, but from "invioable wells of certainty inside themselves" (Lindy West, New York Times, 2016). Other dreams of mine include going to law school to study environmental law, potentially food and agriculture law, writing a book, and living my life according to my intuition. If I do that, I know from experience that everything falls into place.

Anyway, the point is, I want to help you make food an awesome part of your life without taking away anything in the meantime, in however way YOU want to do it. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!

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